

Join the FUN!. Meet NEW friends! Choose a class that best suits YOU!

What are you waiting for?

Call +44787517540 to book a class TODAY!

Monday – Improver & Improver Plus, 12.00 til 2.00pm

Masonic Social Club, 45 London Road, Kilmarnock, KA3 7AG


Tuesday – Improver Plus & Intermediate, 12.30 til 2.00pm

The Village Centre, 12 Maxwell Drive, East Kilbride

Wednesday – Beginner & Beginner Plus, 11.30 til 1.00pm

The Village Centre, 12 Maxwell Drive, East Kilbride


Thursday – Absolute Beginner & Novice, 12.15 til 1.30pm

The Village Centre, 12 Maxwell Drive, East Kilbride


Thursday – Intermediate, 7.00 til 9.00pm

Shortlees Community Centre, Blacksyke Avenue, Shortlees, Kilmarnock

Friday – OIR Class, 10:30 til 12:15pm

Woodlands Centre, 16 Kilwinning Road, Irvine